Toy and game retailers have a different set of needs when compared with other eCommerce retailers. With a need to sell products directly to consumers, as well as toy stores across the country and getting your containers from ports to fulfilment warehouses, partnering with the right fulfilment provider is key. Find out how Whitehouse Solutions can help you manage your order fulfilment needs.

Meeting your seasonal demand

All sectors have their seasonal periods but for toy and game retailers this peak period of sales comes in the run-up to Christmas. With gifts expected to arrive in time and in perfect condition for the big day, it can be a make-or-break time for toy retailers. We have years of experience and all the tools available to make sure that orders flow smoothly from your eCommerce platform to our pick-and-pack teams and onto your customers via your chosen shipping provider.

Turkish festive lights
Orders being picked in a fulfilment warehouse

Seamless order fulfilment

Our order management system provides seamless order fulfilment thanks to its quick and simple integration with the most popular eCommerce platforms including WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, Amazon and eBay. When a customer places an order on your website it’s sent straight to our warehouse team who will pick the toys and games in the order, safely package them up and then allocate them to the right shipping partner. All of this happens without you having to get involved with the process, giving you time to work on next year’s best seller.

Evolving toy trends

When it comes to toys and games we know that everyone is looking to create the next trend or launch a viral new game. When this happens demand for your toys can quickly and unexpectedly spike. We are built to meet this demand and keep your orders moving thanks to our order management system which will alert you when your stock starts to run low and requires restocking. This solves the problem of overselling and leaving people waiting for their new toys.

Graph on a laptop showing growth
Packing an order at home ready to ship

Value added extras

We’ve all been there, you’ve ordered a new toy as a gift, carefully wrapped it and seen the person’s face light up as they open it only to see the dreaded phrase “batteries not included”. All of this can be avoided with our value-added extras and contract packing service. As part of our value-added extras, you can specify that every order requiring a set of batteries comes with them.

We can also use your own custom packaging or add little thank-you notes. We make sure that the end result is exactly the same as if you were doing it yourself. At Whitehouse Solutions, we don’t cut corners to save a few pennies.

All the storage space you could need

With multiple warehouses across Suffolk and Essex, we’ve always got space to store your products, even during your peak sales period. This flexibility allows you to ramp your storage needs up and down depending on demand. During the busy run-up to Christmas you can increase the stock you hold in our warehouses to avoid selling out and as demand drops in the New Year, you can reduce your storage needs and save on storage and stocking fees.

All of our warehouses feature 24/7 security and are fully sealed to keep damp, pests and everything else out and your products safe. This means that puzzle pieces won’t warp and stuffed toys smell fresh and clean.

Whitehouse Solutions Warehouse
Containers on a ship

Complete fulfilment service for toy & game retailers

With toys and games commonly manufactured abroad and then shipped to the UK, our container haulage service fills in the missing gap in your supply chain. With our close proximity to the major ports of Felixstowe, Harwich and Tilbury, we can collect your container from the port as it arrives, and take it to the fulfilment warehouse before carefully unpacking your products and scanning them into the system as they’re put away. As the orders come in, we pick them from the warehouse, pack them according to your specifications and then send them on to your customers via your preferred postage partner. Each stage happens seamlessly without your involvement, leaving you free to work on your business and make more sales!

B2B and D2C sales

Wouldn’t it be great if you could sell your toys and games to companies such as Hamleys, The Entertainer and Smyths as well as directly to your customers? Unlike some other fulfilment providers, we are able to fulfil both your B2B (business to business) orders and D2C (direct to consumer) orders. Getting your goods into third-party, brick-and-mortar retail stores requires some fulfilment expertise as retailers require you to meet exact time slots and the number of each SKU required. We’ve worked with a range of brands including Ooni pizza ovens and Beauty Crop to deliver their products to leading retailers including John Lewis and Superdrug.

Warehouse Lorry Park

See how we can help toy and game retailers

Whitehouse Solutions can provide a full-service eCommerce fulfilment solution for toy and games retailers. Our team of experts are on hand to help with all aspects of your business, from container haulage to pick and pack fulfilment. If you’re looking for a seamless way to get your products to your customers, get in touch with us today and we’ll be happy to discuss our services in more detail.

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